In a world where celebrity backstabbing has become the norm, chatter about the rich and famous has grown to become a form of escapism. It’s what people turn to when they’ve exhausted their idle time and are bored with their humdrum lives.
It’s also what keeps tabloids afloat. In the age of social media, gossip sites rely on anonymous tipsters to share tidbits about celebs that are too sensitive or risky to be published outright.
TMZ breaks the biggest stories in entertainment with accuracy, irreverence, and youthful energy. Founded in 2005, TMZ is now an iconic brand that has expanded from a website to a television show and multiple online platforms.
Despite a reputation for being fast, unbiased, and accurate, TMZ has made mistakes that are causing it to lose its credibility. One example is a recent report about the death of a reality star.

The site also lacks transparency with its audience by not identifying sources, which can cause trust issues. In addition, TMZ has a conflict of interest by covering the Kardashian/Jenner family. It doesn’t disclose that its founder, Harvey Levin, is a close friend of the Jenners.
Founded in 1935, People magazine is a weekly American publication that boasts the largest readership of any American magazine. With a circulation of 46.6 million, it is a well-known name in the celebrity and human-interest genres.

The word people is best used to describe all of the men, women, and children in a particular country or tribe. The singular is the most common idiom, with the plural form peoples being its close cousin. It is not uncommon to find the word people in use in legal and technical texts, but it is rarely found outside of such contexts. The word is also associated with a few other monikers. The most interesting of the group is its aficionado. Its name is the best indicator of its place in a world of esoteric language.
Perez Hilton
Perez Hilton is known for shaming celebrities, mocking them, and scrawling nasty comments on their pictures. That’s why he was so popular, but his readership has started to decline over the years.

Hilton’s blog integrates traditional gossip columnists with new media technologies by picking up news from a variety of sources and disseminating it to a global audience. He essentially morphs rumor into reality, working to bolster or break the economic value of a star.
DListed is one of the most reliable and wickedly hilarious sources for snarky celebrity gossip. Michael Kuroiwa writes all of the site’s content, and he’s always blisteringly on-target with his snipes at celeb mishaps like embarrassing photos or wardrobe malfunctions.
He’s also the co-host of DListed: The Podcast, which takes everything you love about Dlisted and brings it to your ears. Each episode features interviews and pop culture games.

Delisting is when a company is removed from the stock market because it’s failing to meet its milestones. Several high-profile companies have gone through this process in recent years, including Eastman Kodak and American Airlines.