Regular physical activity enhances both physical and mental abilities. The management of effort level and adherence is required for these effects to occur.
While muscle activity can be adjusted, exercise adherence is considerably more dependent on desire and enjoyment. External factors such as exercise style, load, length, and frequency, as well as internal factors such as motivation, difficulty perception, and pleasure, can all contribute to low adherence.
Motivation to exercise inside has been increasingly crucial for health since activities at home offered a safe alternative to staying physically active during the COVID-19 epidemic. Music’s ability to alter attention focus can be a form of diversion that has a positive impact on internal feelings related to exhaustion, rate of perceived exertion, pain and discomfort perceptions, and endurance during exercise. When listening to music, adults run greater distances and at a higher intensity. Exercise therapy for individuals with cognitive deficits and neurodegenerative disorders may benefit from such increases in endurance capacity.
During high-intensity exercise, listening to your favorite music type can help you stay motivated and minimize your RPE. Such effects could be the result of changing the internal culture from physical to external inputs, which modulate emotional states. It has the potential to change the relationship between brain drive, cardiovascular instructions, and RPE, resulting in prolonged exercise duration at greater intensities and faster heart rate recovery.
Overall, it appears that music has an effect on internal load throughout the exercise and that variations in RPE would’ve been followed by alterations in neuromuscular recruitment and cognitive reactions during endurance activity. In healthy people, listening to favorite music while doing indoor endurance exercise affects factors such as RPE, neuromuscular activation, and cognitive reactions.