There are many benefits to gardening at home. Aside from being environmentally friendly, it can be beneficial for your health, as well as the health of the soil and local wildlife. In addition to the physical benefits of gardening, it is a great way to relieve stress, set goals, and nurture something. Furthermore, gardening at home is an environmentally friendly way to eat and reduce your environmental impact. So, why wait any longer to start gardening?
Reduces blood pressure
There are numerous health benefits of gardening. One of these is lower blood pressure. Many gardeners also eat more nutritious foods because they’ve grown them themselves. Some of these foods are particularly heart-healthy, including leafy greens, tomatoes, and cantaloupe. Learning more about what foods are heart-healthy may also lower your blood pressure. The study involved 28 adults with normal or prehypertension.
Getting outside in the fresh air has many benefits, including lowering blood pressure. According to the American Heart Association, gardening can help prevent or treat heart disease. Gardening helps you be more physically active, which is beneficial for your heart. In addition to helping you lose weight, gardening increases your intake of essential nutrients, including vitamin A and C. In addition, gardening helps you stay active and reduce stress, which is linked to high blood pressure.
Improves hand dexterity
There are many benefits to gardening, from improved muscle strength and bone density to improved hand dexterity. This hobby also helps to keep your body in balance by encouraging alternate use of both hands. In fact, a recent study found that women who spent at least half an hour gardening each week had higher bone density than those who didn’t garden at all. Among the other benefits, gardening has been shown to help stroke patients regain physical mobility.
One of the benefits of gardening is the sense of accomplishment that comes with a well-tended garden. Not only does gardening improve hand dexterity, but it can improve your mood as well. The multistep thinking process is important when gardening, whether on a small scale or a large one. Moreover, gardening can also improve your cognitive function. Therefore, it’s important to start gardening as early as possible to avoid future hand problems.
Reduces stroke
A recent study explored whether therapeutic gardening has beneficial effects on post-stroke patients. Participants in this study spontaneously defined therapeutic gardening as a means of healing. They described the experience as involving and rewarding because of its connection to nature. Such a setting might help to fulfill post-stroke patients’ expectations and desires for care. Further research may reveal if therapeutic gardening has positive effects on post-stroke patients’ health. The findings of the present study will provide important evidence for the benefits of therapeutic gardening in health care settings.
The researchers noted that home DIY activities and gardening were just as beneficial as vigorous physical exercise for older adults. This is because prolonged sitting lowers the body’s metabolic rate while standing or moving around increases it. Prolonged sitting also affects the production of skeletal muscle hormones and negatively impacts other organs. For these reasons, standing up and performing physical activities can significantly reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. These effects were noted in the Five Year Forward Plan of the NHS.
Increases income
If you have been considering starting a garden in your yard, you might be surprised to learn that gardening at home can increase your income. While this may seem like a small price to pay, you will find that a community garden can contribute as much as $9,000 a year to city tax revenues. Another benefit of gardening at home is the savings you can realize on groceries. The average community garden in the United States adds around $9,000 to the city’s budget every year. There are many other benefits of gardening as well.
The health benefits of gardening have been studied by the Royal College of Physicians, and exposure to sunlight and nature is said to lower blood pressure. Exposure to garden-grown vegetables and fruits also boosts the body’s vitamin D levels, and the property value increases as well. In fact, there have been several studies proving that gardens can help raise property values. According to Post Office Money, a financial company in the United Kingdom, there is a clear correlation between the appearance of a garden and the price of homes.
Reduces food insecurity
A study published by Olney et al. found that home gardening increased dietary diversity and improved dietary quality in Burkina Faso. Another study conducted in Kenya found that gardening at home increased dietary diversity and improved nutrition among women. Another study by Boedecker et al. found that garden size and the number of crops increased the quality of diet. The results of both studies showed that gardening at home helps reduce food insecurity.
Health promoters also conducted a survey to determine the impact of home gardens on nutrition and health. The questionnaire included open-ended questions that sought to understand how garden cultivation impacted the lives of participants. Health promoters also administered the survey verbally to one family member, as they deem this representative of the experience of the family. One study involved 104 households, while the other included 249 households. In this study, gardeners were asked about their experiences before and after gardening.